We, the Santova Group of Companies, are committed to conducting business within our predefined Group Cultures and Values which dictate, in addition to other areas, that we operate with the highest level of integrity and accountability and within the ambit of all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. In light of these Cultures and Values, we have created a communication channel whereby all our stakeholders are able to report anonymously, via the email address listed below, any fraudulent activity, unethical behaviour or dishonesty within the Santova Group of Companies. All matters reported via this ‘whistle blowing’ inbox are received by independent individuals who will strictly honour the confidentiality thereof, will investigate the issues outside of Santova Group Management where applicable, and will engage third party specialists to assist where required.
Should you, as a stakeholder, have any information regarding any fraudulent activity, unethical behaviour or dishonesty within the Santova Group of Companies, please forward this information, via email, to:
Santova Financial Services are happy to discuss any of your insurance requirements.